Palace of Culture: a tribute to Ania Walwicz
Friday 25 October, 12:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Credits and attributions
The Salon event Palace of Culture: a tribute to Ania Walwicz includes a video and audio montage. Odyssey Literary Festival 2024 is grateful to the sources used in the installation.
‘Palace of culture’
Walwicz A and the Poetry and Performance Class (uploaded April 2017) ‘Ania Walwicz’ [video], Ania Walwicz and the Poetry and Performance Class, YouTube website, accessed 22 October 2024. youtube.com/watch?v=lghLs5ELS8k Used with permission from Ross Digby. Poem Ania Walwicz© used under fair use principles.
Walwicz A and unknown audio creator (n.d.) ‘Begin’ [audio recording], Ania Walwicz tribute website, accessed 22 October 2024. aniawalwicz.com/performances Used with permission from Ross Digby. Poem Ania Walwicz© used under fair use principles.
De Chomon S (1908) La Grenouille (The Frog) [film], Pathé frères, France. Film in the public domain. Accessed 22 October 2024 via Films by the Year, YouTube website. youtube.com/watch?v=coenv0cZwvk
‘The most beautiful woman in the world’
Walwicz A and unknown video creator (n.d.) ‘The most beautiful woman in the world’ [video], Ania Walwicz tribute website, accessed 22 October 2024. aniawalwicz.com/performances Used with permission from Ross Digby. Poem Ania Walwicz© used under fair use principles.
Walwicz A and Melbourne Spoken Word (uploaded June 30 2015) ‘Ania Walwicz/Hammer’ [video] Melbourne Spoken Word, YouTube website, accessed 22 October 2024. youtube.com/watch?v=vGW9T7RA2AY&t=5s Used with permission from Annie Solah. Poem Ania Walwicz© used under fair use principles.
‘Little red riding hood’
Walwicz A and the Poetry and Performance Class (uploaded March 24 2015) ‘Ania Walwicz’ [video] Ania Walwicz and the Poetry and Performance Class, YouTube website, accessed 22 October 2024. youtube.com/watch?v=1Qk40a_rdwg Used with permission from Ross Digby. Poem Ania Walwicz© used under fair use principles.
‘A red dress, a knife (feat. Ania Walwicz)’
Panoptique Electrical and Walwicz A (uploaded June 20 2021) ‘Panoptique Electrical - A Red Dress, A Knife [feat. Ania Walwicz]’ [video] Panoptique Electrical, YouTube website, accessed 22 October 2024. youtube.com/watch?v=UygVVwxNRDg&list=PLuSmh-BxNt1HRCUnud20B2zvIlsxvquCe&index=23 Used with permission from Jason Sweeney. Poem Ania Walwicz© used under fair use principles.
Walwicz A and Overland Express (uploaded Dec 8 2022) ‘Pier - Ania Walwicz’ [audio] bunnitos, YouTube website, accessed 22 October 2024. youtube.com/watch?v=DKjYTWMUu-0&list=PLuSmh-BxNt1HRCUnud20B2zvIlsxvquCe&index=15 Used with permission from Katherine FitzHywel. Poem Ania Walwicz© used under fair use principles.
Hammid A and Deren M (c1945) The Private Life of a Cat [film], New York. Film in the public domain. Accessed 22 October 2024 via The Public Domain Review, YouTube website. youtube.com/watch?v=bYYvA2GWNWQ
‘Improvised poetry 1’
Walwicz A, Grounds S and Tucker R (2019) 'Improvised poetry performed at the Lyrebird Lounge, Ripponlea, 23/02/19', [archival footage], private collection. Used with permission from Katherine FitzHywel. Poem Ania Walwicz© used under fair use principles.
‘Improvised poetry 2’
Walwicz A, Grounds S and Tucker R (2019) 'Improvised poetry performed at the Lyrebird Lounge, Ripponlea, 23/02/19', [archival footage], private collection. Used with permission from Simon Grounds, Roman Tucker and Katherine FitzHywel. Poem Ania Walwicz© used under fair use principles.
‘Doctor Proctor’
Walwicz A and Greenwell A (2018) ‘Doctor Proctor’ [audio], Listen to me: Responses in Words, Music and Audio to the Problem of Gendered Violence in Australia, Andrée Greenwell. Bandcamp website, accessed 22 October 2024. andreegreenwell.bandcamp.com/track/doctor-proctor Used with permission from Andrée Greenwell. Poem Ania Walwicz© used under fair use principles.
Dream of a Rarebit Fiend (1906) [film], location unknown. Film in the public domain. Accessed 22 October 2024 via The Public Domain Review, YouTube website. youtube.com/watch?v=UhdN7wyK2sY&t=1s
‘A wordless song for Ania’
Knight P (2018) ‘A Wordless Song for Ania’ [song], Shadow Phase, Peter Knight. Bandcamp website, accessed 22 October 2024. peterknight.bandcamp.com/track/a-wordless-song-for-ania Used with permission from Peter Knight.
Myers K, Johnson N, Mahoney N, Digny R and Galimberti E (c2017) Ania Walwicz image gallery [archival photographs], Ania Walwicz tribute website, accessed 22 October 2024. aniawalwicz.com/gallery Used with permission from Ross Digby.
Video and audio montage
Reid A (2024) Palace of Culture: a Tribute to Ania Walwicz [film], Odyssey Literary Festival 2024, Melbourne.